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Hi! I'm Kapil Krishnakumar,
a Programmer interested in Computer Vision and Distributed Systems.

My other passions are reading fantasy and sci-fi novels, travelling, and cooking/eating good food. I'm going to be joining Facebook in August as a Software Engineer and have proudly graduated in CS from the University of Texas at Austin



I will be starting at Facebook in August as a Full-Time Software Engineer.

TA in Computer Vision

I was a Teaching Assistant under Dr. Kristen Grauman for her CS376 class in the Spring of 2018. In this class, I spent time grading students assignments, grading assignments like Visual Search System and Image Segmentation, being available to answer questions on Piazza, and grading the tests.

Uber Software Engineering Intern

I was on the Storage SRE team at Uber working on building a traffic mirroring system for Schemaless, Uber’s distributed MySQL system that uses the RAFT protocol. We architected a design that showed no observable impact to production latency with 100% duplication of traffic.

Google Software Engineering Intern

Sears Software Engineering Intern


k-Shot Action Recognition

Face Detection

Style Transfer

Ray Tracer

Distributed Key Value Store
